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Cinder Allia has spent eight years living under her stepmother’s brutal thumb, wrongly punished for having caused her mother’s death. She lives for the day when the prince will grant her justice; but her fairy godmother shatters her hope with the news that the prince has died in battle. Allia escapes in search of her own happy ending, but her journey draws her into the turbulent waters of war and politics in a kingdom where the prince’s death has left chaos and division. Cinder Allia turns a traditional fairy tale upside down and weaves it into an epic filled with espionage, treason, magic, and romance.


This talented author has given us fresh eyes to reimagine Cinderella story in a world where faith is foundational, and the power of true feminine genius is celebrated. A great book in which teens and grown-ups can enjoy it side-by-side.


Team Virtue



Spiritual staying power and stamina


Faithfulness to keep promises


Consistently seeking to do what is good


Virtue Search Media
CWR Author Interview: Karen Ullo

Enjoy this CWR interview article with "Cinder Allia" author, Karen Ullo who shares her writing journey, and more, in the creation of her fresh and fun-to-read version of Cinderella for teens and adults. Read More

Virtue Search Media
Podcast: Radio Maria Interview with Karen Ullo

Ken Huck talks with novelist Karen Ullo about “Cinder Allia”, “Jennifer the Damned” (Wiseblood Books) and her work as managing editor of the Literary Journal: “Dappled Things”. Connect with Karen visit: https://www.karenullo.com/ and https://www.facebook.com/karenulloauthor To learn more about the literary Journal, Dappled Things: http://dappledthings.org/ Read More

Virtue Search Media
‘Cinder Allia’ is a rare book both parents and kids can enjoy

Article Excerpt: "It’s rare to find a book that both adults and children can enjoy, so when Karen Ullo, a Catholic writer and (full disclosure) fellow editor with me at Dappled Things Magazine, sent me Cinder Allia, the novel she published this past June, I couldn’t have been happier when my daughter stole it. What is it that we both liked about it? First, it’s clever. It takes the bare bones of the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm and makes it entirely new. The story comes to life with palace intrigue, spies, and a backstory about how Allia became a downtrodden step-daughter. In this version, Cinderella becomes Allia, the maid whose job is to clean up the cinders, or ashes, from fireplaces in her father’s palace. Her true prince has died in battle and she must figure out how to save herself and also the kingdom." Read More

Virtue Works Media