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Seventeen-year-old theater geek Nanette believes her life is headed toward stardom on Broadway. But when her dream theater college rejects her and her best friend dies in a terrible accident, Nanette decides the world would be better off without her. Unfortunately, the afterlife offers something less than a heavenly situation. Trapped between alternating periods of utter darkness and light, Nanette is stuck following a high school freshman around. Soon, she learns she’s a guardian angel, and the only way she can earn her wings is to keep her young charge, Vera, from committing the same sin she did—taking her own life. Unfortunately, Nanette is missing more than just her wings. She has no tangible body or voice, either. Frustrated by her inability to reach out to Vera and haunted by memories of her old life, Nanette wants to give up, but then she sees what happens when another Guardian at the high school turns his back on his charge. The shock is enough to supercharge Nanette’s determination. She’s going to find peace in the afterlife…as soon as she can convince Vera that living is what life is all about.


Angelhood is an intriguing story for teens. It has echoes of the classic film, "It's a Wonderful Life." In this book, the author uses a creative literary device with the scenario in which a human being takes on the form of an angel guardian to help another teen...something that does not happen when a person actually dies. However, because the issue of suicide is so prevalent among youth... this book is great for teen readers - to reflect on the value of each person's life!


Team Virtue



Inspiration energizes someone else's faith or enthusiasm


Showing compassionate forgiveness


Believing in a good future with God


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Goodreads Reviews

This collection of reviews on Goodreads gives broad insight into the nuances to consider when recommending this important book to teen readers. Read More

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Lemondrop Pie: Book Review

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Reader's Favorite: Angelhood Review

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