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The Woman Whose Goodness Changed Her Husband from Atheist to Priest. This inspiring true story is an example how to live as a Christian in relationships with those who are indifferent or even hostile to faith. Book contains Elisabeth's diary and her spiritual writings. It is a profound self-portrait of a soul molded and transformed by divine grace... and the effect of one life on another. Throughout their life together, it grieved Elisabeth to think that Felix might be separated from her for all eternity because of his rejection of God. For her, life in Heaven wouldn't be happy without him. Yet when she died prematurely, Felix was still an unbeliever. The story doesn't end there. When Felix found this diary, he discovered how Elisabeth's whole life bore witness to the truth of the God she loved. In time, Felix was transformed by the diary and his memories of Elisabeth. He became a Christian and, later, a priest. Now she may even be declared a saint. Elisabeth's diary and spiritual writings (all included in this one volume) map out for you a path to marital harmony and greater love for God — especially if you love someone who stands outside the Faith. Let Elisabeth's two great loves, and her faith and perseverance, inspire you now.


For anyone at a loss in trying to live out a life of faith in a marriage to someone who does not share that faith, Elisabeth gives a beautiful example to follow.


Team Virtue



Internal restraint and calmness


Showing compassionate forgiveness


Consideration that puts others first


Virtue Search Media
For Your Marriage: Salt and Light

The spiritual journey of Elisabeth and Felix Leseur. Read More

Virtue Search Media
The Given Institute: Elisabeth Leseur

Short biography of an amazingly holy Catholic woman whose life had a profound impact on her husband. Read More

Virtue Search Media
Four Saints for Married Couples: Our Sunday Visitor

Get to know four spiritually extraordinary married couples...including Elisabeth Leseur and her husband Felix. Read More

Virtue Works Media